**Laying Chickens/Pullets/Chicks for sale!!**
All chicks/chickens listed are pullets unless otherwise specifically marked
Chicks 2 days- 3 weeks old $15/each
-Easter Eggers
-Rhode Islands
-Barred Rock
-Black Astrolorps
Born Feb 10th:
Straight run mix: $6/each-see list of breeds below
6-10 months old: $25/each
-Rhode Island red
-Silver-laced wyanadottes
-gold laced wyandottes
-Black Australorps
Straight run chicks consist of:
Hens- Ameracaunas, Easter eggers, cream leg bar, buff orpington, mystic onyx, beilfelders, Rhode Island red, dominant coppers, Columbian Wyanadottes, Silver-laced wyanadottes, Gold-laced wyandottes, Black -Laced Red Wyanadottes, Welsummers, Buckeyes ( known to hunt mice!!), Sapphire Gems
Roos- Lavender Orpington, Crested Cream Legbar, Gold-lace Wyanadotte, Black-laced Red Wyandotte, Jersey Giant
Located in Roseburg, OR